The Jewish Community Foundation of Montreal

(Non-funded Associated Organisation)

In 1971, a group of Montreal Jewish leaders, headed by the visionary Arthur Pascal z”l, recognized the need for the Jewish community to have a contingency fund in case of emergencies. Their goal was to build an endowment fund, the interest from which would be used to support innovative, timely, new programs, while leaving the capital in place for future generations.

Over time, the Foundation became known as a centre of excellence in planned giving, and it helped create bequests and other legacy gifts for many institutions throughout Montreal.

Today, the JCF has evolved to be a depository for over 1,800 families who find value in centralizing all their philanthropic giving in one place while benefiting from expert advice on giving in the most tax-wise and efficient manner. The JCF is, in essence, a bank for charitable giving; safeguarding, investing, issuing grants and helping families achieve their philanthropic dreams.

Each family has its own fund in its name. Monies can be invested with sophisticated methodologies. Income and/or capital can be distributed to Canadian charities in the name of the families, to the causes they care about most.

In 1994, the Foundation managed $25 million in assets. Today it has evolved into a recognized leader among philanthropic foundations, managing over $1 billion in assets while keeping overhead low and expertise high. Committed to promoting philanthropy and helping families achieve their goals, the Foundation has become a trusted partner for its caring clients and the hundreds of organizations that benefit from their generosity.

In 2016, JCF fund holders allocated almost $41 million to over 680 organizations, and though the vast majority of grants are to Jewish causes, support is also granted to the general community. Of this amount, $11.5 million was granted to Federation CJA, which is the largest per capita contribution of such a foundation throughout North America.

The JCF also administers an important scholarship program, and distributed 105 scholarships to post-secondary students in 2016. The JCF works closely with professional advisers and charities alike, providing seminars and tools for planned giving. Information on such activities with planned giving can be found on the website The objective of the JCF is to encourage charitable giving by making it easy, efficient and tax-smart. Our families and partners are collectively ensuring the strength and vibrancy of the Montreal Jewish community.